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Friday, July 3, 2015

Divots, Divots, Divots Everywhere

Divots on the golf course are a common and normal occurrence that we must appropriately manage to ensure a quick and efficient recovery. All of the golf carts are equipped with a green sand mix in divot repair bottles to help us fill divot on the course. The reception of the divot repair bottles has been exceptional and has helped us cut down on tedious divot repair jobs. However, there are generally two types of divots found on the course, and they need to be taken care of in different ways.
Divots of all types, sizes and shape
Thin divots with no soil attached should be filled with sand as per normal routine. This helps to keep the tee surface or fairway level and promotes faster healing. The green sand helps to conceal the divot as well as heat the ground up to assist recovery. It is equally important to not overfill the divots with sand as this can damage the mowers and create an uneven playing surface.

The second type of divots commonly found are larger and have roots and soil attached to the underside of the divot. These are essentially small pieces of sod. The best course of action is to replace the divot in the same direction it came out and firmly tamp it down. By replacing large divots recovery time can be tremendously sped up without affecting aesthetics, play, or maintenance.

Divots such as this one with soil should be placed back and NOT filled with sand.
It is important to differentiate between the two different types of divots and properly mend the affected area. It is important to remember under the etiquette section of the USGA rule book golfers are responsible for repairing their own damage and preventing undo damage by taking divots on practice swings. Proper divot repair is an integral part of keeping our tees and fairways in top shape,

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