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Monday, May 16, 2016

Bunker Raking and Footprints

Care of the Course: Bunkers
"Before leaving a bunker, players should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by them and any nearby made by others. If a rake is within reasonable proximity of the bunker, the rake should be used for this purpose."
USGA Rules of Golf, Section I

Raking bunkers after your shot often seems pointless, after all you are out of the bunker and onto the green now. However its is important that the group behind yours finds the course in the same shape or better condition than you found it. The best part of fixing the bunkers is the example you set for the players to follow, and hopefully they will follow your lead.

The video below explains the proper way to enter and exit bunkers as well as how to rake your footprints behind you without moving too much sand. The most important aspect of this video is where to enter and exit the bunker.

Treat the course as if you are playing behind your group. Repair ball marks, rake bunkers and fix your divots.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Ball Mark Repair

With the beginning of the season here, it is important to remind people proper golf course etiquette. In section I of the USGA Rules of Golf handbook, repairing ball marks is clearly stated as follows:

"Repair of Divots, Ball Marks and Damage by Shoes: Players should carefully repair any divot holes made by them and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball (whether or not made by the player himself). On completion of the hole by all players in the group, damage to the putting green caused by golf shoes should be repaired."
-USGA Rules of Golf Section I

The grounds crew searches for and repairs ball marks every morning left behind from the previous days play. If not repaired, the ball marks can take weeks to fully recover leaving unsightly damage. Repairing ball marks properly directly affects the aesthetics and more importantly the play ability of the green. Any sharp object can be used as a ball mark repair tool.

Below is an informative video that shows the right and wrong ways to repair ball marks. Please take a few minutes and use this video as a refresher for the upcoming season.